1. Do I use my own contractors or do you provide this, how would it work?

All retrofit work should be carried out by PAS 2030-qualified installers. The installer should be qualified for each measure they are installing. We’ll be happy to check your contractor’s qualifications and inspect their work. If you do not have a contractor, we can recommend qualified installers in your area via the RetofitWorks hub (or others that are coming on line).


2. Can you get me quotes? 

We want to ensure completely transparent and trustworthy advice services, so we do not arrange quotations directly nor do we receive incentives from suppliers for recommendations. However we can arrange a list of industry-vetted, certified suppliers in your area via RetrofitWorks, our networking hub. We will also check to ensure that their quote provides the correctly-specified products and service in order to meet the requirements of your Retrofit Plan. This service is included in your Plan.


3. What does retrofit mean? 

Retrofit covers work done on a property with the aim of reducing energy use. Retrofit aims to reduce greenhouse gases, make homes more comfortable in winter and summer, and lower bills (in most cases). Whole house retrofit uses a "fabric first" approach, where the first focus is to reduce energy lost through the fabric of the building –walls, roof, floors, doors & windows. Whole house retrofit maximizes occupant benefits, as many fabric first measures improve comfort. Whole house retrofit is the best way to make improvements in a joined-up way. Every home is unique: carrying out a whole house assessment means each house can be assessed on its own merit and have its own bespoke retrofit plan. The plan does not need to be completed all at once and based on the homeowners circumstances it will be recommended as a series of stages if desired.


4. Am I paying too much for my energy bills?

Maybe! Homeowners are often recommended to switch energy suppliers to get the best energy deal. This may have a substantial impact on your bill. However, poor efficiency is another source.  Better insulation, draught proofing and or window improvements will often reduce bills and improve comfort at the same time , but some improvements have more impact than others. Some heating equipment is very inefficient and simple replacement can also reduce bills. Some improvements needed to lower carbon use may not immediately lower bills right now but will in the long term since we expect gas tariffs to rise and electricity tariffs to reduce in the relatively near future. So even if you are not paying too much now, you may be in for larger bills as the UK switches to non-gas heating and incentivises those using renewable electricity.


5. Can I make changes to my home in stages or does it have to be all in one?

The Medium Term Retrofit Plan recognizes that not everyone can implement all recommended measures at once. However it is critical to stage measures correctly, since some improvements can be counter-productive if implemented partially or in the wrong order. We interview all owners to find out what their goals are, both short and long-term. If retrofit is to be staged, we’ll discuss key life-stages and funding opportunities and find out how those could impact budgets and decision-making. That information helps us build your plan so it works for you.  The plan will be updated each time a measure or set of measures is carried out.

If you implement some measures and then transfer the property to another owner, the Plan will stay attached to the property (via on-line lodgement) and the new owner will have access to the Plan. They may wish to update it and will be given that opportunity. There is no obligation to engage the same Coordinator to update the plan in that case.


6. Are there funding options out there for me?

Yes. The Green Homes Grant stopped taking applications in spring of 2021, but there are options currently for those meeting a list of criteria, and it is widely expected that the Green Homes Grant will be replaced by the end of 2021 with a new programme. We will update information when available. To see if you qualify for ECO3 or LAD funding, see the criteria HERE:

7. What does a retrofit coordinator do? SEE LIST OF SERVICES


8. What does a retrofit assessor do? SEE LIST OF SERVICES


9. What is fuel poverty?  

Households that are unable to afford to heat their home adequately are in fuel poverty. Inefficient homes with high fuel bills lead people to skimp on heating, leaving their homes cold and damp, and vulnerable to mould. Elderly or young people and those with certain health conditions are typically more vulnerable to the effects of fuel poverty, as these conditions can be very damaging to health. Improving energy efficiency reduces bills helping to reduce fuel poverty.


10. Does ventilation matter?

Good ventilation is critical to good performance and for occupant health. Although the building regulations stipulate a certain minimum ventilation, over time many properties may have reduced this, whether through blocked vent bricks, dirty filters, or windows that are never opened. Poor ventilation can be responsible for damp, mould and other health and building risks. Ventilation is also a major source of leaked energy, so we want to manage ventilation in a controlled way as well as ensuring that it is adequate.

Improving insulation, doors and windows will often require adjustments to ventilation to ensure that minimum (or improved) ventilation is achieved. The Retrofit Assessment includes a review of ventilation, and ventilation improvements will be scheduled alongside any other retrofit measures as required.


11. What's the best way to contact you?

Contact us via the X (this will be shown on the website)                                                   


12. How do I confirm your credentials?

We are fully qualified and are listed on the TrustMark website (for Retrofit Assessor and Coordinator certifications), on the Elmhurst website (for those and for DEA qualifications) and on the BRE’s GreenBook Live (for BREEAM and HQM). We also ensure that all of our managed contractors are fully qualified and up to date with training.

13. What standards do you work to?

EPCs can only be carried out by fully qualified Domestic Energy Assessors. Our EPCs are vetted by Elmhurst. Otherwise we work to PAS 2035, which requires that all Retrofit Assessors and Retrofit Coordinators are fully certified and maintain appropriate continuing professional learning. PAS 2035 lays out the exact steps, measures, reporting mechanisms, and methodologies we use to create your Assessments and Plans.


14. I have a period house, how can you help?

Most homes in the UK are historic properties! Those constructed prior to 1900 have particular conditions but all homes have construction methods and materials standard to the time in which they were built and each home is unique. Older homes can be made energy-efficient and often are the most rewarding to improve since simple measures can have a dramatic effect. However there is no “magic wand”. They can be expensive to improve up to a very high standard and there will be limits on the kinds of fabric improvements and equipment that are most suitable for a period home.

As architects, we are sensitive to the need to maintain period detailing and appropriate and sensitive interventions.

Our approach aims for financial sustainability as well as environmental sustainability. We take a practical view which is supported by many of the best minds in the industry, that older properties are best addressed with a “best value” approach –aiming not for “perfect” results but for the sweet spot where maximum improvement meets reasonable investment. Often that last 10-20% improvement is proportionally much more expensive to achieve and it could render the project non-viable.


15. Do you offer payment options?  

In most cases our services are paid on a single invoice, but call us to discuss your payment requirements.

Estate/Letting Agents

We have a number of ‘to let’ properties.  We struggle to meet the minimum energy efficiency standard (MEES) so that they are rentable.  Is there any way you can help? 

Our team has plenty of experience dealing with landlords and MEES.  We can carry out draft EPCs and with some modelling, advise you on what improvements you would need to make to meet the required standards.

We have a number of landlords who struggle with tenant complaints on damp and condensation in their properties. In the past we have got different ‘trades’ in and always get conflicting advice and causes and most of the time the issue isn’t resolved….

A retrofit assessment can be carried out for your property which also includes a condition survey.This assessment is performed in-house by one of our team. From our findings we can identify and recommend improvements and remedial works that will help alleviate or resolve your condensation and damp issues.Being independent from any trades or installers we can offer you advice which is informed and unbiased.